JUDICIARY Latest Features

Judiciary Top Management Meets Police bosses
Group Photo: The Judiciary Top Management led by the Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Owiny-Dollo with the Uganda Police top Management at the Supreme Court in Kampala

On October 14, the Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Alfonse C. Owiny-Dollo, met with the Uganda Police top bosses led by the Inspector General of Police, IGP Martin Okoth Ochola.

The closed-door meeting held in CJ's Supreme Court chambers at Kololo in Kampala, discussed the improvement of security at Court premises.

In attendance was the Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr. Flavian Zeija; Deputy IGP, Major Gen. Sabitti Muzeyi; PS/SJ, Mr. Pius Bigirimana; the Chief Registrar, HW Sarah Langa; AIGP Grace Akullo; Commandant of the VIPPU, and CP Namutebi Hadijah, among others.

Posted 14th, October 2020
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